Project with DXY Does.

DXY was commissioned by Arzel Zoning to create a suite of applications for Arzel’s proprietary system of home HVAC dampers. The dampers control the flow of heated or cooled air through the ductwork, allowing different zones of a home to be heated or cooled differently. We were required to create an iOS application by which the homeowner could control the heat and cool level of each zone independently, as well as programming when the various zones would be at what temperatures throughout a day or a week. We also created an Android tablet application for contractors to use while setting up the system. This app allowed the contractor to assign individual dampers and controllers to the correct zones via Bluetooth, as well as to hand control of the system over to the homeowner securely upon completion.

Over the course of the design process, I worked with a team to wireframe an intuitive workflow for the application and to develop logical and flexible ways to represent information in a consistent way throughout the system. After we accomplished this, our graphic designer translated them into polished .PSD mockups. I subsequently translated these mockups into a buildable functional document for our development team to work with.

The functional document consisted of definitions of each data type in both of the applications, and how it was to be displayed. I also defined each application’s basic underlying grid system, with stretching space assigned to gracefully handle devices at a variety of sizes and pixel resolutions.